Curious About Life Coaching Sessions?

Q: What is a Life coach?

A: A life coach guides you from point A to point B based on where YOU say you are and where YOU say you want to get to.

Q: How many sessions will I need?

A: I coach in 90 day segments. It takes at minimum 90 days for any lasting shifts to occur. (single sessions available as well)

Q: How often are your coaching sessions?

A:Coaching sessions are predominantly a 55 minute phone call once per week.


Does your relationship no longer inspire you?

Are you wanting to create a kickass retirement?

Are you tired of the old shame-based tapes in your head?

Have you been stuck in a rut and ready to really live??

Are you looking to discover your purpose?

Do you live sexually free? If not how do you create sexual freedom?

Too many projects you’re excited about and need someone to guide you to build a laser beam focus?

Whatever it is, the context in which you live your story can make all the difference.

A great coach can work with you to create a roadmap to stay on track and overcome actions that sabotage your desires, plans, and dreams. They'll support you through the fear, resistance, and panic that can arise when you are creating something exciting and new, especially when it comes to your relationships

Click HERE for a great read in Forbes on why (or why not) to hire a Life Coach

Book an appointment with Ray

It all begins when an idea is followed by actions congruent with your intention.

$125 Per Session

Pre Paid Packages Available

Appointment times are Pacific Standard Time(please schedule accordingly)

A Medicine Woman’s Prayer:

I will not rescue you, For you are not powerless.

I will not fix you, For you are not broken.

I will not heal you, For I see you in your wholeness…

I will walk with you through the darkness, as you remember your light.